
Pat Hogan was traveling around the country in his car. One evening he was driving along a road and looking for a small hotel where he saw and old man at the side of the road. He stopped his car and said to the old man, “I want to go to the Sun Hotel. Do you know it?”

“Yes,” the old man answered. “I’ll show you the way”
He got into pat’s car and the drove for about twelve miles. When they came to a small house, the old man said, “Stop here.”
Pat stopped and looked at the house. “But this isn’t a hotel.” He said to the old man. 
“No,” the old man answered, “this is my house. And now I will show you the way to the Sun Hotel. Turn around and go back nine miles. Then you’ll see the Sun Hotel on the left.

Answer (v) menjawab
Drive (v) mengendarai
Evening  (n) sore menjelang malam
Old        (adj) tua
Show (v) menunjukkan
Travel (v) bepergian
Turn around (v) memutar balik (arah)

Task One
Answer these questions:
1. What did Pat ask the old man when he stopped his car?
2. What did the old man answer?
3. How far did they drive?
4. What did Pat say when they stopped?
5. What did the old man say to Pat?

Task Two
Find the words in the story above which mean about the opposite of:
1. Young
2. Ask
3. Big
4. Right
5. Got out

Task Three
1. Which of the answers are correct?
a. In the old man’s house
b. In a hotel
c. In his own house

2. Why did Pat stop his car?
a. Because he saw a friend
b. Because the lights were red
c. Because he saw an old man

3. Where did the old man take Pat?
a. To the old man’s house
b. To Pat’s house
c. To the Sun Hotel

4. Why didn’t the old man stop Pat when they passed the hotel?
a. Because he wanted to get home
b. Because he did not know the hotel
c. Because he did not see the hotel

Practice with Noun
In a very simple word, we can say that “noun” is a word used to name a person, place, thing or idea.
Persons : Habib, Me. Lukman Al Farisi, Fire fight, Indonesians, policeman.
Places : Banda Aceh, Kings Park, kichen, store, house, room.
Things : Biscuits, car, cat apple, scissor, knife, aircraft
Ideas : satisfaction, happiness, weakness, patience, sadness.


Kinds of Noun

Proper Nouns
A proper noun normally names a particular person, place or thing, and is always capitalized.
Personal Name : Sulaiman, Thomas, Ibnu Sina, James.
Names of country and city : Indonesia, Tunisia, Lhokseumawe, Boston.
Names of day and month : Sunday, Friday, Saturday, January, Augustus, November.

Common Nouns
A common noun usually names any one of a group of persons, places, or things, and is not capitalized. For instances: girl, day, sea, actor, queen, butterfly, and teacher.

Compound Nouns
Compound noun is the combination of two or more words may be used together as a single noun. The parts of a compound noun may be written as one word, as two or more words, or may be hyphenated.

Housekeeper, basketball, drugstore, schoolteacher, commander in chief, tennis ball, father-in-low, baby-sitter, great-grandmother.
Countable and Uncountable Nouns
In general, non-count nouns only have singular form. Most count nouns, on the other hands, have both singular and plural form. If nouns are ended by “o, ch, s, sh, x, z,” in addition, the nouns will form their plural by adding –es. If nouns are ended by none of these letters, in contrast, the nouns will form their plural by adding –s only (unless stated).
Look at the following words:
Singular Plural
glass glasses
quiz quizzes
bush bushes
tomato tomatoes
box boxes
church churches
pen pens
book books
cat cats
room rooms

1.Some nouns form their plurals with a vowel change or an ending change.
Singular Plural
foot feet
goose geese
tooth teeth
mouse mice
louse lice
man men
woman women

2.Some nouns form their plurals by changing a consonant before adding –s or –es.
Singular Plural
wolf wolves
leaf leaves
wife wives
knife knives

3.Some nouns form their plurals by adding an ending.
Singular Plural
child children
ox oxen

4.The nouns which are anded by “y”, before “u” is a consonant, will form their plurals by changing “y” into “I” before adding –es. However, such the nouns will form their plural by adding –s if before “y” is a vowel. 
Singular Plural
baby babies
city cities
country countries
lady ladies
hobby hobbies
boy boys
toy toys
key keys
day days

5.Some nouns have the same plural and singular form:
Bison fish series offspring
Deer salmon species spacecraft
Sheep trout corps

6.Some nouns end in –s but are actually singular and take singular verbs.

Academic subjects: mathematics, politics, physics, economic, civics, and statistics.

Physics Is my favorite subject.

Diseases: measles, mumps, and herpes.
Measles is normally contracted during childhood.

Close your eyes and think what you have got..